IMG_1165As we look at the energy centers of our body, there are distinctive features for each. When the root chakra (energy center) was examined, we found its focus was stability and security. It is the chakra that grounds us solidly to the earth plane. It has much to do with the basic formation of who we are as self. Because of this, it is also about separateness. It is all about us as individuals.

This essay explores the orange chakra, the sacral plexus, which is the center of emotion, sexuality, sensation, pleasure, movement, and nurturing.  It is about joining with another. While the root chakra was concerned with yang (masculine, personal) energy, the second chakra is predominantly yin (nurturing) energy. It is located in the lower abdomen between the navel and the genitals. This chakra is about movement, letting go and creating a flow. “Movement is an essential part of the life force- the essence of what separates life from death, the animate from the inanimate.” [1] Movement, either expanding or contracting is an integral part of life. On the physical plane, this chakra is concerned with bodily functions that are liquid: blood, urine, sexuality, and reproduction. Yet this chakra is much more.

Our sacral center is focused on our emotions. “When emotions are appropriately mirrored by adult caretakers, a child forms a reasonable emotional identity. This emotional identity enables us to identify different emotional states later in life, both in ourselves and others.” [2] Moving away from pain toward pleasure is the basis of emotion. We instinctively react to pleasure and pain through movement. This may be through facial expression, bodily motion, or physical relocation. So we smile, hug, cheer, or move toward someone or something when we are happy. We frown, cry, lash out, or leave when we are in pain on any level. Emotions are important indicators of our state of consciousness, as well as energetic functioning.

When the sacral center is balanced, positive emotions such as joy, happiness, contentment, peace, and love predominate. These states are desirable because they are comfortable and satisfying. We enjoy our social lives, as well as work. We exercise, dance, play sports, take hikes, do yoga, and travel to broaden us and help us move outward. We are involved in meaningful relationships with our family members, our friends, or with a romantic partner. Our lives flow well. Life is good.

An unbalanced sacral chakra causes us to retract and move inward. Prevailing emotions are often negative. Depression, boredom, loneliness, anger, jealousy, anxiety, selfishness, or hatred obviously cause unhappiness a good deal of the time. Relationships, jobs, or life in general may be unsatisfying. Or we may be generally discontent, shying away from social situations or other people. Life tends to be stagnant and we are less apt to make an effort to move outwardly. Physical and emotional energy is low. We think a lot about our situation, but find it difficult to take steps to find help. It is important to be aware that when the pleasures of life are repressed, our natural bodily impulses of moving outward become skewed. We then live our life through our mind, not our heart, emotions, and physical body.

Emotions are our key to a balanced sacral center. Tuning in to them can give us direction. Are we moving upward and outward to increase our vibration and happiness? Or are we moving in the opposite direction? When we are generally content, but at times experience a lower emotion, the tendency is to consciously work to get back to a higher state of being. We want to feel positive and satisfied because it is empowering. There are times, however, when emotions stay depressed for many different reasons. When caught in lower energies, it is important to search for ways to raise them. This will take time and effort, but is worth it. Seeking outside help may initially be the impetus needed to raise your energy. A good physical checkup is important to rule out medical issues. Then, therapists, energy healers, Reiki practitioners, personal trainers or workouts at the gym or home, all work to improve the energetic mood you feel. Changing habits and perspective can help change emotions. We all have the right to feel on top of the world. When we don’t, it is our own responsibility to do something about it. Start the new year right by taking stock of where you are and where you want to be. Then if necessary, make the effort to change your outlook. You’ll be glad you did. Namaste.

[1]  Wheels of Life Judith, Anodea, Llewellyn Publications, Woodbury, Minnesota, 2015. p.110

[2] Ibid, p. 120