This month of September is a transitional one. We move from summer to fall; the weather is changing; the election cycle is now in its final stages; the energies coming in to our world are sweeping out the old and ushering in the new. The Angel Card reading for this month comes through the Archangel Oracle cards, by Doreen Virtue, PhD. The following are the five cards that came up to answer this question: In September, what needs attention?

1. Overcoming Difficulties (from Archangel Jeremiel): The worst is now behind you, and you are surmounting any previous challenges. When we look at the world around us, we see, and sometimes experience, a great deal of upset and chaos. This occurs not only in the world at large, but on the national, state, local, and personal levels. Often, we hear from others, and think to ourselves, “What is going on these days?” Archangel Jeremiel assures us, even though it does not appear this way, we are moving through and beyond many of the challenges we have been facing. He tells us to focus on ourselves, to understand that problems are gifts, special lessons that each of us must learn, in order to advance our lives. So he advises us to consider first and foremost, that over which we have most control. Concentrate on taking care of personal issues, and when they are resolved, move outward to spread our light. He further states, “The challenges you’ve faced have made you stronger and have taught you new lessons. Instead of becoming bitter, you’ve opened your heart with compassion toward people in similar situations. You’ve let go of any blame or feelings of victimhood. This is why you’re now overcoming your previous challenges. Your positive outlook is attracting a loving solution and new situations at a higher level of spiritual understanding. Stay positive!”

2. Teaching and Learning (from Archangel Zadkiel): Keep an open mind, and learn new ideas. Then, teach these ideas to others. As we resolve the issues in our lives, we become more positive and joyful. In overcoming a difficulty, we open our minds to other possibilities and incorporate new ways of being. These higher emotional states help us reach out to share our experiences with others. The more we see the benefits of broadening our perspective, the more we will continue to grow. Just by our example, then, we can teach others to do the same. Archangel Zadkiel tells us, “You are a spiritual teacher and an avid learner. Learning and teaching are linked in a perfect cycle, in which information comes to you when you need it. Teach others about the topics that awaken your passions. The more you teach, the more your lessons are reinforced within yourself. Be open to sharing new ideas, and learning about topics that aren’t in your immediate sphere of interest. Your students will teach you in many ways, too. Trust in your teaching and learning abilities, as your mind is one with the Divine Mind of God. You are an intelligent and wise being. Know that it’s safe in this lifetime for you to be outspoken in your teachings.”

3. Courage (from Archangel Ariel): Be courageous, and stand up for your beliefs. Archangel Ariel is telling you to work on yourself. She shares the belief with Archangel Jeremiel that you have been, are, and will continue to overcome your difficulties because you want to know who you really are deep inside. In that way, she agrees with Archangel Zadkiel, you use your knowledge and light to influence others positively. She knows when you stand in your own light, others cannot adversely influence you. She says, “In this situation, you need to act upon your convictions, even if others disagree. I’m protecting you from harm, and guiding you to be a loving warrior of light. As you stand up for your beliefs, you’re a role model for others. This is an important form of spiritual teaching, in which your example gives others courage to also stand up for their own principles.”

4. Take Back Your Power! (from Archangel Raziel): Use your God-given power and intention to manifest blessings in your life. Raziel is reminding us we are true sons and daughters of God. We are perfection. We are creators. When we deny this by allowing others [family, friends, society, government] to influence us adversely, we give up the powers we inherently possess. As we overcome difficulties, our true nature begins to unfold. Removing self-imposed blockages brings us closer  to our natural state of oneness with God. The blessings increase as we grow. He tells us, “You are a luminary: a sage, a wise one, a high-priestess/high-priest, a wizard, and a supreme manifestor. Now is the time to summon up your spiritual strength and power and put your authority into action. Lovingly and firmly transform your intentions into reality. Say prayers about your intentions, and ask for guidance and signs to shape your manifestations to the highest possible level.”

5. All Is Well (from Archangel Jeremiel): Everything is happening exactly as it is supposed to, with hidden blessings you will soon understand. Archangel Jeremiel returns to assure us life is unfolding just as it should. The bumps in the road are the life lessons we came to learn. The joyous parts are the expression of God’s love for us. They appear because we are aligned with God. The more difficulties we overcome, the more joy we bring to our lives and the more we bask in God’s love. Be encouraged by the fact that we can choose joy at any time. Jeremiel tells us, “Sometimes, what appears to be a problem is actually an answered prayer in disguise. When we ask for help, Heaven may dismantle the old to make room for the new. During this time of change, practice relaxation methods such as yoga, deep breathing, exercise, and meditation. Ask me to make your transition smooth and harmonious for everyone involved. And know that this change is for the better!”

The Archangels bring these things to our attention to work on this month: Difficulties are a part of life. They help us learn lessons that move us along our life path. When we learn these lessons, we can then help others in turn. Do not doubt yourself, but stand by the convictions that make your life better. In doing so, you will show yourself and the world how powerful you can be. And remember, there is a reason for everything, whether we understand or not. Trust that God is guiding us. Stay connected to the truth that sets you free to live your life at the highest possible level. Namaste