The archangels urge us to focus on how our thinking can help us or hinder us in moving forward. Their messages give us direction. The four cards chosen to deliver this advice come from Archangels Raphael, Gabriel, Metatron, and Michael..This reading comes from the Archangel Power Tarot cards by Doreen Virtue, PhD and Radleigh Valentine.These cards consist of two parts, the Major Arcana, and suits in the Minor Arcana. Each deals with various aspects of our lives.

The first card is from the Suit of Raphael. Doreen tells us, ” Emotion can motivate us to accomplish many wondrous and exciting things. We reach out and touch the world with our hearts, and suddenly life becomes all the more worthwhile.” The chosen card is the Eight of Raphael which says: There is something better waiting for you! Do what you know is right for you. A spiritual quest. This card shows a young woman at the beginning of a stone bridge with her cat. She is dressed in white and glows at her crown, suggesting her goodness, her connection to Source. There is a chest of money at the side of the bridge, showing that there may be great riches ahead for her, or she may be leaving worldly riches behind for something better. On the other side of the bridge is a man in a cloak (perhaps Archangel Raphael), standing over a small brook at the edge of a forest, beckoning her to come forward. Standing over the gently flowing water may imply positive emotions flowing to her. He has an aura about him which suggests good intentions. In this picture, the man may be a spiritual guide who will lead her to new spiritual experiences, or he may be someone who will guide her in new directions as her life unfolds. Ultimately, we are being shown that moving on to unknown experiences may make us hesitate, but there is always a spiritual guide, such as Archangel Raphael, who we can trust and who will help us if we ask.

The second card drawn is from the Suit of Gabriel. We are told by Doreen, “Archangel Gabriel is known to be a patron of creativity, as well as a helpful and supportive guide to accomplishing all our goals! Gabriel was chosen [because she] represents the aspects of our lives where we take action. Creativity and passion combine in order to empower us to make our dreams come true. This suit also reflects artistic ability, careers, and the desire to develop and grow.” The chosen card is the Page of Gabriel which states: Follow your passion! You are ready for any challenge. Opportunities for excitement and adventure. This card shows a man dressed in flowing robes in a desert all alone. He is holding a scepter which has a bright glowing light at its head. He looks as if he is searching. Archangel Gabriel is behind him. It would seem this man is searching for meaning or variety in his life, rather than the monotony of the desert. The light on his scepter will help to show him the way, or he will see the light leading to a more interesting life. Archangel Gabriel is watching over him, waiting to assist if asked. This card is a message to each of us, urging us to overcome stagnation, and continue to seek more and more in our lives that is satisfying, productive, motivating and amazing.

The third card chosen is from the Major Arcana. Doreen tells us, “The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards that describe significant events and turning points in our lives. The Major Arcana cards can also represent the different phases from childhood to old age.” The chosen card is 0, Leap of Faith, watched over by Archangel Metatron. It reads: Believe in yourself! Listen to your heart. Do what gives you joy! This card shows a young man walking down a path with his dog. He is carrying a satchel, which implies he is moving along to somewhere new in his life. Archangel Metatron and a multitude of angels are watching over him, and there is a bright light shining down on him from the top of a mountain. This young man is traveling forward, taking a chance on a dream. He looks content, as well as determined to walk this path. Archangel Metatron is encouraging each of us to follow our dreams, to know that we are capable of great things that bring satisfaction and joy into our lives. Just call on him for assistance and believe.

The fourth and final card is from the Suit of Michael. Doreen tells us, “The spark of human intelligence has brought us many wondrous and amazing gifts. Our minds can also cause us to worry unnecessarily and fall into fear. The suit of Michael represents our ability to think our way clear of our challenges and to soar to new heights of brilliance. These cards signal issues regarding communication, speaking our truths, and freeing ourselves of our illusions of being trapped. Archangel Michael was chosen to represent this suit because of his role as a protector and guardian of all of the world”s people and as a champion of truth and justice.”  The Ace of Michael card states: A wonderful new idea! Don’t allow bumps in the road to hinder your progress. Clear up communication problems with others. The picture on this card shows Archangel Michael at the peak of a mountain, overlooking all. His sword is held high, ready to be used, perhaps to help you cut through the clutter of your thinking. New ideas are expansive, exciting, and take you to great heights in thinking. Michael is encouraging you to remain true to your ideas by clarifying them to yourself, so that you can communicate them to others. Michael urges you to speak your truth and not be deterred by others who do not understand your thinking. Have faith in yourself and the insights you have received.

The archangels have been direct in their guidance this month. They urge us to always be looking forward, to understand that we are evolving as humans. It is natural and beneficial to enter uncharted territory. Rather than fear it, embrace it, trust it, and move to a more advanced level of thinking and living. Namaste.